Emily Salomon: About motherly love and "ro"

On this beautiful Mother's Day, we wish to delve into the heart and mind of the inspiring influencer, Emily Salomon, who shares not only her journey as a mother but also her quest for moments of inner peace amidst life's busy currents.


"When I don't have to deal with external stimuli, news feeds, or things pinging in, I find it much easier to be present," Emily shares, speaking about the importance of creating time and space without distractions. "I find it much easier to connect with myself and be present."

A practice, a constant learning, which she nurtures and cultivates daily. Her words reflect an understanding of the importance of self-care and presence. "The more I feed myself with what brings me joy and energy, the better I become at feeling myself," she adds.

Emily's smile and positive energy, shining through her social media, are the result of a conscious decision every morning. "I've decided to wake up every day and think, 'this day will be good'," she shares. "There's always something. And it may sound naive, but it works for me."


For Emily, motherly love is a source of endless joy and gratitude. "My family, my health, and my garden," she says, reflecting on three things she's grateful for. It's in these small moments of gratitude that Emily finds strength and joy.

Although motherhood is a gift, it also comes with its challenges. "Creating my two little favorite people and being part of making them kind, curious individuals," she shares, describing the most wonderful thing about being a mother. However, she also acknowledges the challenges that come with it. "That I can't take away all pain and sorrows for them," she adds with honesty.

"The Floating Diamond Necklace" holds a special symbolism for Emily. "It's a daily (and beautiful!) reminder for me to remember and choose ro (peace)," she says, speaking about the significance of the jewellery. "And that nothing is stronger than love (and diamonds ;))," she adds with a smile.


Emily finds moments of peace through a variety of rituals. "I read, meditate, walk in nature, bathe in the sea, or spend time in my garden," she shares, mentioning the activities that nourish her soul. These rituals are not just actions but moments of immersion and recharge that bring her closer to her inner peace.

Would you like to step into Emily Salomon's world of SLOW CONTENT? Read much more here.