Lukas Trolle about Astrology

The world around us is changing faster than ever before. Most of us feel it in our personal lives, and we can also see it on the collective stage. According to astrology, we are entering a new age, and at Ro Copenhagen, we are curious about what this transformation means. That's why we started a conversation with astrologer Lukas Trolle, who runs the podcast 'Ramt af Stjernerne’ [Hit by the Stars] with his mother Kristina Trolle.

After our conversation with Lukas Trolle, it is clear to us that astrology offers much more than star signs and magazine horoscopes. Read on and learn more about astrology.

"Astrology is not magic, but rather a constructive self-development tool"

Before we get started, I'd like to start by removing the idea that astrology is a sun sign horoscope in your magazine predicting your upcoming weeks. It's certainly not that simple, and that's probably why most people dismiss astrology without knowing about it. It's a big misunderstanding and it's unfortunate that astrology's potential is overlooked. According to astrology, the sun's influence is only decisive when you turn 30. Your moon sign and ascendant are often more visible in your younger years, and by working consciously with yourself, you will get closer to your sun sign.

Another misunderstanding is the idea that astrology is a form of magic or clairvoyance that can detail how your life will unfold. Astrology is not magic, but rather a constructive self-development tool. A kind of map of the energies you are born with. Astrology can provide an overview of themes, energies, feelings, and psychological mechanisms in a given period, or in life in general. With knowledge of astrology, you can use your stars consciously, rather than being unconsciously controlled by them. The decisive success criterion for using astrology as a self-development tool is that you are open and willing to work with your horoscope. That is precisely why it was important for me to highlight any misunderstandings about astrology.

“We are in the transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius”

Before we get started, I'd like to start by removing the idea that astrology is a sun sign horoscope in your magazine predicting your upcoming weeks. It's certainly not that simple, and that's probably why most people dismiss astrology without knowing about it. It's a big misunderstanding and it's unfortunate that astrology's potential is overlooked. According to astrology, the sun's influence is only decisive when you turn 30. Your moon sign and ascendant are often more visible in your younger years, and by working consciously with yourself, you will get closer to your sun sign.

Another misunderstanding is the idea that astrology is a form of magic or clairvoyance that can detail how your life will unfold. Astrology is not magic, but rather a constructive self-development tool. A kind of map of the energies you are born with. Astrology can provide an overview of themes, energies, feelings, and psychological mechanisms in a given period, or in life in general. With knowledge of astrology, you can use your stars consciously, rather than being unconsciously controlled by them. The decisive success criterion for using astrology as a self-development tool is that you are open and willing to work with your horoscope. That is precisely why it was important for me to highlight any misunderstandings about astrology.

“We are in the transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius”

For the past 2000 years, we have been in the age of Pisces, which has largely been about religion, prophets, and blind faith. But also, about love for one's neighbor, spirituality, and sacrificing oneself for a belief system. During this age, we have seen the major religions flourish, and in many parts of the world, people have given away their power to external circumstances.

We are now at a unique point in the world of astrology, namely in the transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. The new era of the Aquarius sign will begin to influence us more and more and will particularly be about freedom and community. I believe that in the coming years, we will begin to understand that everything is interconnected in the universe, and therefore also on earth. There are no people who are more or less valuable than others. Freedom and equality for all are important values according to Aquarius.

"Like everything else, there will also be some shadow sides."

Technology and science will develop and influence our daily lives even more than they do now. Other areas such as metaphysics, spiritual science, and even astrology will also become more official and recognized over time. As humans, we will go from being controlled by faith to basing our society on knowledge.

Many see the next 2000 years as a kind of golden age. I am also convinced that this is true, but like everything else, there will also be some shadow sides. Technology should be used for positive purposes, rather than for control or destruction of nature, and these are some of the things that I believe we humans must take responsibility for and be aware of.

"Everything in the universe is part of the same infinite system"

In metaphysics, there is a principle of correspondence. In short, the principle describes how everything in the universe is part of the same infinite system. The planets vibrate at certain frequencies and correspond to the same frequencies in us humans. The planets influence the way we think, communicate, feel, and act.

All events on earth, both collectively and in our own personal lives, can be explained astrologically by reading the symbolic language of the planets' movements around the sun and their interconnections with each other. On an individual level, we are each affected by the vibrations of the planets. The way the planets are positioned in the birth chart reveals the pattern we are born with. And because the planets continue to orbit the sun after we are born, the connections will affect us each differently, depending on which planet combinations are involved.

If the planet Mars [the war and anger planet] moves over your sun or moon in your birth chart for a given period, it may be a good idea to take a few deep breaths, go for runs, or use Mars's characteristics in other purposeful ways, such as working hard and targeted. If you are unaware of the energies and out of balance, the energies can lead to power struggles or outbursts of anger. It is therefore important to be aware of how you use the energies of the planets constructively to live in accordance with who you are and create the life you want.

"The planet Venus can teach us that we don't always have to perform”

Where Mars expresses the masculine and performing principle, the opposite is Venus, which expresses the feminine and receptive principle. Venus relates, among other things, to calm, enjoyment, patience, and openness. Venus can teach us that we don't always have to act and perform to be “good enough” in this life. It can remind us that we also need rest and quiet to be in the world. The Mars and Venus principles must be balanced, and if you have both planets standing together in your horoscope, balance is an incredibly important lesson.

"The Law of Attraction"

A useful principle in metaphysics that I will mention last is "The law of attraction." According to the symbolism of this law, you can attract positive things in your life with the power of your mindset. We can therefore manifest what we dream of on the physical and external plane by first and foremost changing the way we think. The way we think and see the world around us, can change our feelings, actions, and ultimately our frequency to attract what we want to achieve in life.

If we are not aware of our thoughts, negativity, fear, and bad patterns can hold us in a lower vibration, which will attract more low-vibrating or negative events in our lives. Astrology and “The law of attraction” go well together because astrology can read which energies will flow best in certain periods. As my podcast claims, we are all affected by the stars, and we must therefore go with the energy, rather than going against it.

If you want to know even more about astrology, listen to the podcast 'Ramt af Stjernerne[Hit by the Stars]. It's released every 14 days, on the new moon and full moon.